
Will it save the environment and forestry? What is self-cutting forestry?

Self-cutting forestry

Japan has become a problem with forests that have been left unattended despite the fact that they have reached the appropriate age for logging due to the progress of the forestry industry after the post-war clear-cutting and forest-building. A self-cutting forestry worker has emerged like the savior of the rugged forest. There are many young people who are highly interested in the environment, and we aim to achieve both stable income and forest conservation through ambitious operations. It holds great expectations as an initiative that holds the key to independent new forestry management and regional revitalization.

What is self-cutting forestry?

Self-cutting forestry is a forestry in which the owner of the forest is engaged in management, management and operation by himself and continuously earns income. As in the past, the profits from harvesting will increase because we do not go through forestry associations, but we must manage the forests we own responsibly. There are many ambitious young people working, and we pursue higher profitability and environmental conservation of forests. Forest management is the key to the utilization of abandoned and devastated forests and the revitalization of depopulated regions.

Expectations for self-cutting forestry

The fact that the younger generation, who are highly interested in the environment, is taking root makes us feel the infinite possibilities. ICT Lightness of footwork due to data collection and small-scale management utilizing. It is expected that the operation method will be reviewed from a humble point of view, and that profitability will be improved and the environmental burden will be reduced. Above all, there is no doubt that the region will be revitalized.

Expectations for uninterrupted income and profitability

It is said that a newly hired self-cutting forestry worker was told by a skilled forestry worker, "Don't do anything unreasonable" when trying to clear-cut due to financial reasons. In other words, even if you make a large income temporarily by clear-cutting, the mountains will be rough after that, and it will take many years and a lot of labor to grow the forest. Rather, it is better to keep a stable life and maintain a healthy forest by repeating a small amount of thinning and earning continuous income. Many self-cutting foresters are small and family-owned. It can be said that selective thinning during the long-cutting period, in which thinning is repeated, is an appropriate operation method commensurate with the scale.

The forestry industry, which has been said to be an unprofitable industry, continues to expand and sustain its income through long-cutting selective cutting operations that promote the growth of large-diameter trees while repeating small-scale thinning at low cost. Economically, it is expected to become independent as a forestry worker.

Expectations for regional revitalization through the migration of young people

The declining workforce and depopulation of forest areas due to the declining birthrate and aging population are facing problems, but they are further accelerating. In every industry 35 While the number of young workers under the age of 20 is declining, only the forestry industry 1990 Continues to increase since the year 2015 In the year 17 17 Has reached%. Promotion of self-cutting forestry seems to help young people to work. Ideally, a young couple with a high interest in the environment would live in a mountain village and run a forestry business while raising children. Not only will the forestry industry be revitalized, but expectations for regional revitalization will increase as if Japan had been regained.

How to start self-cutting forestry

Although it is a self-cutting forestry industry with relatively low hurdles and easy to start, there are some points to keep in mind before starting. Land selection and operation method. The selected land cannot be moved, and the felled trees cannot be returned. In order to get the self-cutting forestry on track, it is important to choose the land carefully and not to make a mistake in the operation method.

What is the best land selection?

The land you buy isn't too big, but consider it before you jump into a cheaper property. Self-cutting forestry cannot succeed without the cooperation of others. Local governments that have a well-established cooperation system for self-cutting forestry, and local governments that have a track record of forestry migrants in the past. In addition, there are many local governments that are looking for community revitalization cooperation teams for forestry workers with land, so there are many options. In any case, it is advisable to purchase the land recommended by the municipality. However, it is safer to avoid clear-cutting scars that emphasize efficiency and forests with wide work roads, as it takes time to repair.

Self-cutting forestry promotion organizations nationwide 30 It has been established above. One way is to follow that. Forestry is a job that is often dangerous and requires physical strength and patience. It is encouraging if there is a person to talk to or a person to teach.

Continuous income from selective cutting rather than clear cutting

The goal of self-cutting forestry is independent forestry management. To do that, you need continuous income. Simultaneous clear cutting can be expected to generate a large amount of income at one time, but it requires large-scale equipment and the income is not continuous. Therefore, selective cutting is inevitably selected in small-scale self-cutting forestry. We aim for sustainable forest management with small-quantity production of quality rather than quantity.

Also consider side jobs

Although it improves quality, it is produced in small quantities, and since timber is the market price, it is unknown how much income can be expected. Until you get on track as a self-cutting forestry worker, keep in mind the side jobs of agriculture and related industries. Guided tours to guide you to your own forest, sales of woodwork products, forestry experience sessions, etc. PR It will also be.

Sale of woodwork products

HAND in HAND Selles woodwork products made from thinned wood. A gem of gems that allows you to thoroughly enjoy the scent, texture, and beauty of wood grain. Efforts to return part of the profits to forest conservation work are small bridges that connect consumers and forestry workers. We hope that you will pick it up and think of a self-cutting forestry worker who is committed to regional revitalization and environmental conservation.

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